There’s so much history, where do we start?

Here’s some of our story (intertwined with history) and presented with intentional ambiguity.

We met 20 years ago at a young adults ministry in South Jersey. 

Elevate was previously called Bridge, under the leadership of Pastor Buz and a local church. In 1996, as a Senior in High School, I was among the handful of original leaders that launched the Bridge. It later became a powerful para-church ministry and grew to reach hundreds of college and career adults from various churches with vast backgrounds. Young adult leaders carried and expanded the ministry under the guidance and teaching of Pastor Clark (who is now a Calvary Chapel pastor), while a few local churches (at different times throughout the years) hosted Elevate. 

We were both involved in worship and public speaking events for ministry when we met at Elevate.

In 1996, my parents founded a ministry team of young adults that focused on sharing testimony and performing in concert. Praz Jam toured the northeast area of the United States for approximately 8 years, released 2 albums and recorded over 20 original songs (produced through Horizon Recording Studios), while participating in nearly 200 concerts. I served as a lead lyricist, vocalist, speaker, and stepped into ministry leadership while earning an Associates in Biblical Studies, a Bachelor’s in Communications, and Certification in Elementary and Special Education. I produced and co-hosted a youth focused radio show on WZZD990, and launched a teen mentorship program called Godz Girlz. Over the years, the ministry (and its various branches) led many to Christ.

If social media existed during those years, South Jersey probably would’ve been viewed as experiencing a youth revival. Many, many hearts and lives (locally) were changed during that decade preceding social media (1996-2006) and through those ministries.

Today, between the two of us as a couple . . .

there’s experience in Education, Teaching, Creative & Media Arts, Radio Production & Hosting, Public Relations & Special Events, Public Speaking, Worship, Youth Mentorship, and perhaps most prominently… running a successful business. To clarify, we are not offering our services, talents, or abilities to work on projects or ideas of others. Our time and resources are precious and we are investing into God’s kingdom in the specific way He’s equipped us, and in the specific way in which He’s leading through Missionzera. One of our goals is to help you (and youth) answer that same question. What talents and abilities has God given you for a specific purpose and calling on your life? 

We're offering all that God has invested into our lives back to Him, with a unique vision.

Missionzera started 10 years ago as a blog, with a focus on moms and women. The inspiration included the Hebrew word “zera” which means seed. In recent years, God granted new understanding as “missions” and “z” and “era” present a fresh revelation. Missionzera is more than planting seeds of hope for women, it now reaches the current generations (especially Gen Z) with His truth.

We have our own kids in Gen Z and recognize the need for intentionality with this generation. 

Missionzera and networking friends daily seek God for what is next in our faith journey of planting seeds of faith and hope into hearts. 

The rest… is history!

Many Blessings, 

Brook Joy & Family … and the Missionzera Team